Monday, April 27, 2009

Underground Chinese Christians

This YouTube video I selected is a 2007 CBS special on Christianity in China. Since Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party took power in 1949, communism has been the official state religion in China. Yet today, even after 60 years of suppression, the Christian Church in China is flourishing. Most Chinese Christians meet secretly in house churches, for fear of the Chinese authorities. Several state-sponsored churches exist today, but members must register with the Communist Party and are subject to close government scrutiny. As China continues to rapidly develop in today's global economy, some Chinese are seeing that the world of materialism is a dead-end road in the end, and are turning to religion. In Chrisitanity and faith in Jesus Christ, these people have found something for which they are willing to endure persecution at the hands of their government. These Chinese long for a day when they are allowed to openly practice their faith. But until then, they continue to faithfully meet where they are unseen by the world.

-Daniel Uden 4-27-2009

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