On a different note, I plan on filling my summer with the things I usually have, perhaps for the last time. This is my last summer at home before I graduate college, so the future is uncertain. After school ends in May, I will go back home and work as a hired man for a local farmer and friend of mine. I will also occasionally help my dad on our farm. My youngest sister and I will also mow and do yard work for a lady in our area. One of my favorite summertime activities is Men's League Slow-Pitch Softball League in Hastings, NE. I have played on a team with some local friends for several years and am signed up again this year. I will also lift weights every morning with a high school friend to prepare for my final football season here at Concordia. Every summer, I usually work at Christian camps for two weeks. I am looking forward to this experience, and am glad to be able to invest my time in the lives of some kids I have gotten to know well by now. Finally, I am best man in my neighbor and friend's wedding this summer. This means I am in charge of planning a bachelor party, and I think I have some decent ideas. I will also be attending at least one other wedding of college friends. This summer will be filled with whatever comes my way, and I hope to make the most of it.
-Daniel Uden 4-27-2009
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