This cartogram shows deaths by drought worldwide. Although drought is a normal occurence in many areas of the world, the destructive power of it in regard to loss of human life is felt most heavily, and almost solely, on the continent of Africa.
Nations such as South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Tanzania in southeast Africa cite the shortage or unavailability of safe water sources as the main catalyst of suffering among their populations. Often times, this is not because the countries lack the water resources neccessary to provide for the population, but is instead due to the fact that the available water resources are underdeveloped and underallocated. Water is abundant during rainy seasons, but supplies dwindle over long dry seasons, and subsistence farmers are barely able to get by.
In southern Africa, water resources that are already strained and insufficient during periods of normal precipitation virtually disappear in times of drought, multiplying the suffering of the populations that depend on them. This has been observed over the past decade, as unrelenting drought has resulted in shortfalls of both food and water, factors heavily contributing to the Global Food Crisis.
Today, fertility rates remain high across Africa, and populations are expected to continue to grow. This increase in population will further strain the continent's water resourcs, especially in drought affected areas. Africa and the world must continue their work to provide the water neccessary to support the African people. I chose to write about this Death by Drought cartogram because of the great importance involved in securing water resources now and in the future. Water is arguably the most valuable resource man possesses today, and that value will only increase with time.
-Daniel Uden 2-4-2008
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